Mike Chowla

Norway - Cities

We visited three cities in Norway: Bergen, Ålesund and Oslo.

Bergen is known for its historic harbor district called Bryggen. Bryggen's buildings are from the early 18th Century. The buildings facing the harbor are quite quaint looking, but the alleys between those are pretty narrow and dark. Entering those passages feels like stepping back in time.

Ålesund is known as the Art Noveau town due to the large number of buildings in that style. The town was largely destroyed by fire just past the turn of the 20th Century. The residents rebuilt the town in the popular style of the time, Art Noveau. Both architecture and the location right on the water make for a charming city.

Oslo is both larger and more cosmopolitan than the other cities we visited. Our highlight in Olso was visiting the city hall with beautiful murals showing Norway's history and values.
