Mike Chowla
Nova Scotia:


After hours of driving through heavy rain, I reached Luenberg which is just over an hour south of Halifax. When I arrived, the rain had stopped but the village was enveloped in fog. I found Lunenberg utterly charming. It's a Victorian era seaport town and the most the buildings are from that era. I realized I have a soft spot for historic seaport towns as I thoroughly enjoyed Ă…lesund in Norway and Oamaru in New Zealand.

Luenberg felt like stepping back in time. As I wandered around the town, I remembered how the photo guide to Nova Scotia I was using kept mentioning fog and realized the fog is part of the place and instead of lamenting it, I should accept it as an essential part of the Nova Scotia experience. The next morning was foggy, but the fog burned off and mid-morning, the sun was shining. Surprisingly, while I enjoyed the sun, the town felt more atmospheric in the fog.

I give Lutenberg a score of 8 out 10.
