Mike Chowla
Annual 10 Best:

My Ten Best of Images of 2022

2022 was the year the post-pandemic world emerged. It wasn't a full year post-pandemic year as the through the summer, there were still travel challenges and restrictions such as negative test requirements, very high prices and the airlines losing emense amounts of luggage. I was happy to get back to traveling in 2022 and crossed a couple of places off my bucket list. I generally stuck closer to home than I did pre-pandemic.

I did not give my photography high marks in 2021. I'm unsure what to think about my photography in 2022. I did some good work but perhaps not enough it. A few travel days with good photography weather and conditions makes a huge differnece and the often that comes down to luck. Much of my travel this year met with challenging weather but perhaps that pushes the me to look beyond the beautiful sunrise or sunset.

I'm lookng forward to 2023 as it will be the first year since 2019 where I feel like I can reasonably travel wherever I like.
